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Transfer from/to Varna ↔ Alexandroupolis

Transfer price from Varna to Alexandroupolis

We offer a transfer from Varna to Alexandroupolis by car, minivan and van. The car is suitable for individual travelers or small groups of up to 4 people. The minivan is perfect for medium-sized groups of up to 6 people. The bus is the best solution for large groups of up to 8 people. The price for the transfer by car is €on request, the price for the transfer by minivan is €on request, and the transfer by van is priced at €on request

Planning a trip to Alexandroupolis? Our transfer services provide you with a convenient and safe way to reach this fascinating destination!

Alexandroupolis information:

  • A city of history, culture and beauty: Alexandroupolis is a picturesque city located on the coast of the Aegean Sea in northeastern Greece.It is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, delicious food and welcoming people.
  • Diverse attractions: From the iconic lighthouse to the charming old town, the beautiful beach and the unique Evros river delta, Alexandroupolis offers something for everyone.< /li>
  • Easy access: The city can be reached by plane, bus, train or car.
  • Ideal holiday spot: Alexandroupolis is a great holiday destination offering a relaxing atmosphere, delicious food, beautiful beaches and plenty of sightseeing opportunities.
  • Our Transfer Services:

  • Professional drivers: Our drivers are experienced and qualified, and will provide you with a safe and comfortable journey to Alexandroupolis.
  • Modern cars: We have modern cars that are equipped with all comforts.
  • Flexibility: We can offer you transfers from Alexandroupolis airport, the train station, the bus station, as well as from other cities in Bulgaria and Greece.
  • Competitive prices: We offer competitive prices for our transfer services.
  • Book a transfer to Alexandroupolis today and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of this charming city!

    Don't hesitate to look us up!

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