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Transfer from/to Burgas ↔ Malko Tarnovo

Transfer price from Burgas to Malko Tarnovo

We offer a transfer from Burgas to Malko Tarnovo by car, minivan and van. The car is suitable for individual travelers or small groups of up to 4 people. The minivan is perfect for medium-sized groups of up to 6 people. The bus is the best solution for large groups of up to 8 people. The price for the transfer by car is €on request, the price for the transfer by minivan is €on request, and the transfer by van is priced at €on request

Are you planning a trip from Burgas Airport to Malko Tarnovo? Our transfer services provide a convenient and safe way to reach this historic urban destination in South-Eastern Bulgaria.

Malko Tarnovo is a city with a rich cultural heritage and charming architecture that attracts its visitors with its cozy atmosphere and unique charm.Walk through the streets of the city and discover its ancient streets, buildings and sights.

Our professional drivers will meet you at the airport in Burgas and will provide you with a comfortable and safe trip to Malko Tarnovo. With us, your trip will be filled with comfort and peace of mind.

Book your transfer from Burgas Airport to Malko Tarnovo now and enjoy your smooth transfer to this unique city destination. We guarantee you a timely arrival and a high level of service to make your trip pleasant and hassle-free.

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