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Transfer from/to Bucharest ↔ Duni

Transfer price from Bucharest to Duni

We offer a transfer from Bucharest to Duni by car, minivan and van. The car is suitable for individual travelers or small groups of up to 4 people. The minivan is perfect for medium-sized groups of up to 6 people. The bus is the best solution for large groups of up to 8 people. The price for the transfer by car is €200, the price for the transfer by minivan is €220, and the transfer by van is priced at €300

Planning a holiday in Duni? Our transfer services provide you with a convenient and safe way to reach this charming coastal village. 

Dune is the perfect holiday destination, offering a relaxed atmosphere, beautiful beaches and plenty of entertainment options. Stroll along the boardwalk, soak up the sun on the beach or enjoy a boat trip to the nearby islands. 

Our professional drivers will meet you at Bucharest Airport and provide you with a comfortable and safe journey to Duni. With our services, you will be able to relax and enjoy a peaceful and pleasant trip without worrying about anything. 

Why choose us? 

Experienced and professional drivers 
Clean and comfortable cars 
Competitive prices 
24/7 support 
Flexibility - we offer transfers from and to any point in Bulgaria 

Book a transfer today and enjoy an unforgettable vacation in Duni!

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